Multifunctional Energy Materials Laboratory
Welcome to the Multifunctional Energy Materials Laboratory! We are a scientific research laboratory that focuses on tuning nanostructures for energy applications ranging from storage to catalysis. Our team of experts is dedicated to advancing the field of energy materials and providing innovative solutions to the world's energy challenges.

Our Research
We focuses on tuning nanostructures for energy applications ranging from storage to catalysis. It is now clear that hierarchical structures are essential to bring step change in devices for use in applications mentioned earlier. we have been working on the establishing protocols for the stabilization of hollow nanostructures. Such structures, with pronounced surface area, can even be formed at room temperature, which make them industrially viable. The hollow structures have been showing far superior catalytic, storage or even electro-magnetic shielding response, when compared with their solid counter parts.
The research group is fully equipped to carry out the research with funding available from DST (India), MPG (Germany), UKIERI (UK), BRNS (India), SRIC (IIT Kharagpur), etc.