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Research Facilities

Want to collaborate with us? We have a wide range of synthesis and characterization tools. If you want to book a slot for the same click here

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​X-Ray Diffractometer 

Name of the instrument:  ​XRD Diffractometer MiniFlex 600

Description: The new sixth-generation MiniFlex benchtop X-ray diffractometer is a multipurpose powder diffraction analytical instrument that can determine: crystalline phase identification (phase ID) and quantification, percent (%) crystallinity, crystallite size and strain, lattice parameter refinement, Rietveld refinement, and molecular structure. 

FTIR-IR Spectrometer

Name of the instrument:  FTIR-IRSpirint

Description: Stable interferometer performance based on technology inherited from high-end models. Designed to endure high-humidity environments (selectable KRS-5 window + optional electric dehumidifier). IR Pilot includes 23 application programs as standard. Includes an identification test program convenient for routine inspections as standard.


Golvebox workstation-LABstar

Name of the instrument: Glovebox workstation-LABstar​

Description: The LABstar pro glovebox workstation is a ready to operate high quality glovebox system that meets your specific application requirements for inert and clean environments. The system has been designed for customers needing an economic research and development tool to do vital experiments under clean atmospheres.  Standard features of this system include a large main antechamber, a rotary vane vacuum pump and the MBRAUN programmable logic controller (PLC). 

Novatouch-surface area & pore size analyzer

Name of Instrument: NOVAtouch-LX

Description: The NOVAtouch™- Series gas sorption analyzers provide high throughput and excellent performance for BET surface area and pore size analysis. NOVAtouch™ models can produce BET surface area results using either the classical helium void volume method or the patented helium-free method. The NOVAtouch™ pore size analyzer measures adsorption and desorption isotherms and provides BET surface area results in minutes.


UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Name of Instrument: BRI-295 UV Vis Spectrophotometer

Description: The spectrophotometer model is designed for reliable continuous operation. It is easy to use, throughly  reliable and above all low cost. The instrument is equipped with tungsten and deuterium lamps as the source. It works in the wide wavelength ranging from 190 to 1100 nm with a bandwidth of 2nm. 

Electrochemical workstation

Name of Instrument: ZAHNER ZENNIUM PRO

Description: The ZENNIUM PRO is a modular high-end potentiostat/galvanostat with a frequency response analyzer (FRA). The ZENNIUM PRO potentiostat has 32 bit DC resolution and 24 bit AC resolution over 12 different current ranges, allowing it to perform precise and accurate measurements. 

  • DC voltage ranges: ±5 V and ±15 V

  • Current up to ±3 A over 12 current ranges

  • EIS frequency range from 10 µHz to 8 MHz

  • AC amplitude of 0 - 6 V or 0 - 2 A for EIS

Electrochemical workstation

Electrochemical workstation

Name of Instrument: Autolab PGSTAT302N

Description: This high-end, high-current potentiostat/galvanostat, with a compliance voltage of 30 V and a bandwidth of 1 MHz, when combined with our FRA32M module, is specifically designed for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

  • DC voltage ranges: -10 V to 10 V

  • Maximum current in ampere:- ± 2
  • Potential and current accuracy:- V: ± 0.2% ± 2 mV and i: ± 0.2% ± 0.2% of current range
  • Maximum bandwidth in Hz:- 1 MHz

Neware Battery Testing System



Name of Instrument: ESPIN NANO

Description: ESPIN-NANO

  • Working voltage range:- 0 to 4m kV

  • Temperature range:- 0 to 45 °C

3D printer

Name of Instrument: Hyrel System 30M


  • Benchtop Model with Knee Design

  • Bed Temperature:- 85-90°C

  • X/Y printing speeds:- 30 mm/sec

  • Motion Control:- 0.9° Stepping Motor

  • Positional Resolution X/Y/Z in µm:- 5 / 5 / 1

  • Positional Accuracy X/Y/Z in µm:- 50 / 50 / 10

  • Extruder:

    • MK1-250 - Filament based extruder​

    • KR2-15 - Gel based extruder

      • Compatible Materials:-

        • Waxes

        • Glues

        • Hot Glues

        • Polymer Clays

        • Your own custom formulations


Probe Sonicator

Bath Sonicator


Muffle Furnace-High Temperature

Name of Instrument: Carbolite CWF 1300


  • Maximum operable temperature:- 1300 °C

Muffle Furnace-Low Temperature


Tube (Inert) Furnace

Name of Instrument: Ants Prosys High Performance Tube Furnace


  • Maximum operable temperature:- 1200 °C

  • Compatible environment:- Nitrogen and Argon.

Ball Mill

Name of Instrument: Retsch (Planetary Ball Mill PM 100)


  • A single grinding station.

  • Maximum allowed volume:- 200 mL

  • Max. speed:- 400 rpm


Dip Coater

Name of Instrument: Apex Instruments NXTdip-150


  • Dipping & Lifting Speed:- 0.15-600 mm/min

  • Dipping & Lifting Length: 150 mm

  • Max. Film Length: 100 mm

  • Unlimited Deposition Cycles

  • Unlimited Drying & Wetting Time

Hydrothermal-Parr Instruments

Name of Instrument: Parr Series 5500 HPCL Reactor w/4848 Controller 


  • Maximum Pressure:- 150 bar

  • Maximum Temperature:- 250°C


Gas Sensing Setup

Polling Unit


Vacuum Ovens

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© 2024 by Energy Material and Devices Laboratory

Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India - 721302


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